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        Scientists have decided that the Earth was formed purely by random design by a large asteroid collision hundreds of millions of years ago.  When asked what brought that on they gave some unfounded thoughts about space dust and an ever expanding universe.  When pressed for an answer about the origin they couldn't give an answer because they refuse to believe that a supernatural being could exist.  But, does that make sense?  Think about it.

        The Bible gives little about time and actual creation of the planet itself but it does say that there was a creator; a supernatural being that existed long before what we call real ever existed.

        What if I were to tell you that the planet was indeed created by a supernatural being, Yahweh, over a period of several million years (Gen. 1:1).  Then another, Lucifer, who thought He could run this planet ruled it for all those millions of years but did a lousy job (the dinosaurs and cavemen).  And then a time came when the creator took over, wiped everything out (the ice age) (Gen. 1:2) and started over.  That’s when what is written in the Bible, from Gen. 1:3 on comes into play.

        Now, that gives you something more to think out.  I must admit, this is educated speculation, but it is well thought out by knowledgeable people and it is backed up by Bible verses which I didn't write.

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